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Interested in learning more about the perceptions and experiences of those in your congregation via an anonymous and confidential survey, with an eye toward identifying areas of flourishing and points for development? Consider taking the Flourishing Congregations Survey, a Canadian-based survey on the Canadian Church for the Canadian Church.  

Sample survey questions include: our church/parish is clear on its core values as an organization; our congregation has a plan for developing new leaders; our congregation has an explicit discipleship process for people who wish to grow in their faith; our neighbourhood would notice if our church was no longer here; our congregation gives a high priority to evangelism.   

Why A Congregational Survey?


Strengths and Opportunities

Learn about the strengths and opportunities for development within a congregation.


Create a Baseline

Establish a baseline set of findings that can be compared with future survey responses across time (e.g., every couple of years).


Church-Specific Report

Receive a church-specific report, including general guidance and tools on how to interpret the report, ways to present the report in one’s congregation, and possible avenues forward in light of
the report.
Click here for a sample report


For Denominations

For denominations, a way to assess strengths and opportunities for development across a denomination / region.


Meet with Research Team

Opportunities to meet with members of the research team to dig deeper into the report findings, implications, and imaginative possibilities for a church moving forward (for an additional fee).


Data Informed Tools

Contribute to a larger set of data on Canadian congregations across theological traditions, yielding data informed tools and resources for further congregational flourishing.

Structure & Costs

There are three survey-based structures available to groups:


New church

New churches signing up for the survey for the first time


Returning Church

Churches who would like to re-do the survey, to compare results across time (e.g., after one year, five years,



Groups who would like a denominational / diocese report

Costs /

Individual Congregations

The following figures are based on average attendance figures. A participating congregation will receive a personalized report (see below on what’s included).


  • Under 150 = $750

  • 150-499 = $1000

  • 500-1500 = $1500

  • Over 1500 = $2000

Costs /

Denominational Reports

The following figure is based on denominations who want several congregations to complete the survey. Each congregation who participates will receive a personalized report, plus an aggregate denomination-level report is provided.


  • 5+ congregations = $1000/report

  • 15+ congregations = $800/report


What's included:

The fee includes the following services:


  • Survey materials and promotional support for a congregation to complete the survey;

  • Survey report, detailing the congregation’s responses to the survey questions;

  • General guidance and tools to interpret the survey report, best practices to present the report to one’s congregation, and possible avenues forward in light of the report findings; 

  • Copy(ies) of the book, Signs of Life (2021) – one copy for congregations with fewer than 150 weekly attenders, two copies for congregations between 150-499 weekly attenders, and three copies for congregations with more than 500 weekly attenders.

Next Steps

Interested in doing your first ever congregational survey with the Flourishing Congregations Institute, doing another survey to compare results with an earlier survey you did with us, or do you wish to include a number of congregations across your denomination?


Send us an email and we’d love to talk about next steps. While you’re at it, be sure to sign up for our newsletter at, where you’ll receive further resources for local churches in Canada, and follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook!

Les dirigeants des Églises canadiennes appuient cette recherche

Le travail du Flourishing Congregations Institute contribuera à une meilleure compréhension du milieu dans lequel nous nous trouvons comme chrétiens au Canada, appelés à évangéliser la culture. La recherche qu'ils mèneront fournira des données significatives qui pourront aider les confessions chrétiennes non seulement dans leur propre planification pastorale, mais aussi à combler l'écart entre les confessions en favorisant l'échange d'expériences communes pour faire face ensemble aux réalités émergentes du paysage pastoral canadien. (Pour la lettre d'appui complète de Mgr Crosby, cliquez ici)

Le très révérend Douglas Crosby | Évêque de Hamilto

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